
Getting started

Getting started

In order to access the repository some pre-requisites must be fulfilled. First of all, a valid connection to the repository must be established.  Second, the repository license must be entered and validated.  Users and groups can be added to the repository after these first two steps are completed.

Note: The group “Any” will be defined and created during the database installation.
Start the tool Repository Administration via the menu Start —> Process Modeler Repository Administration
Note: This tool will be installed as an optional part of the Process Modeler software.
The following screen will be shown:
As no valid connection to a repository has been created yet the list to the left side of the picture above will be empty.  To establish a valid database connection, the repository administrator role pm_admin is required (the default administrator user is called pmadmin ).  See  “managing repository connections” for more details on how to establish a database connection.

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